

The Radio Club of Tunisian Scouts 3V8ST
will be active with a special call
from 18 January until February 14, 2010
 'Ariana Rover Scout Leader ARSL'
Organizing the event: ROVER WEEK
an activity for adults 'Rover Scout Leader' and

Students at universities in Tunis

Amateur radio workshops,
 cultural activities and conferences on
"Radio Scouting - Service for Others"




Rules of contest

BSCC (Black Sea Contest Club)



February 06 2010. 12:00 UTC


February 07 11:59 UTC


International HF Cup of Black Sea is carried out by BSCC (Black Sea Contest Club).

The aim of the competition is to make as many contacts with hams around the world as possible, especially with the radio stations from Black Sea region countries, members of BSCC, BSCC Headquarters’ station, radio clubs and the headquarters of the national amateur radio organizations - members of the IARU (HQ-stations).





160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter bands


1. Single Operator (SO):

- SSB HP (exceeding 100 W);
- CW HP (exceeding 100 W);
- Mixed mode HP (exceeding 100 W);
- SSB LP (up to 100 W);
- CW LP (up to 100 W);
- Mixed mode LP (up to 100 W);
- Mixed mode single band (160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 meter bands);
- Mixed mode QRP (up to 5 W). Participant must use Call/QRP for this entry. This category will be created in case if there will be more than 10 contester-logs submitted. Otherwise all participants will be included into Mixed mode LP.
All duties (operation and logging) must be performed by a single person.. There are no restrictions for choosing software for logging. Usage of packet and cluster is allowed. It’s mandatory to follow Terms and Limitations of participant’s national Amateur radio license. Only one transmitting signal is allowed at any given time.

 2. Multi Operators, one transmitter, mixed mode (MS).
Station must remain on same band/mode for at least 10 minutes before change to another one. Only one signal is allowed at any given time. All contesters must follow the amateur radio regulations of their country at all times. Violation of this rule will lead to re-classification of the station as CheckLog category.

3. HQ-stations, one transmitter, mixed mode (MS).

HQ-stations, clubs (for example – UCC – Ukrainian Contest Club), stations of national IARU member organizations must remain on one band/mode for at least 10 minutes before change to another one. Only one HQ-station signal is allowed at any given time. HQ-stations can use second transmitter for multipliers only. All contesters must follow the amateur radio regulations of their country at all times..

4. SWL.
SWL contesters may use all HF bands (excluding WARC). This Category will be created if there are more than 10 SWL-contester-logs submitted. 

In each category special differentiation will be done for World, Black Sea Region Countries (see Appendix 1), BSCC members and HQ-stations.


HQ-stations send RS (T) and abbreviation of  the radio club, for example - 59 (9) UCC for Ukrainian Contest Club, 59 (9) AGB for Activity Group of Belarus or the abbreviation of its national organization – IARU member, for example - 59 (9) UARL the Headquarters of the Ukrainian Amateur Radio League, 59 (9) BSCC – for BSCC Headquarters. Participants from Black Sea Region countries transmit RS (T) and number of ITU zone. BSCC members transmit RS (T), BS (Black Sea) and membership number, for example: 59 (9)BS17 for a BSCC member with membership number 17.


Other participants send RS (T) and number of their ITU zone. For each valid QSO report must include control numbers in full.


With any participants only one QSO can be made on each band and each mode. Only contacts made in proper band segments/modes are valid. On each band Phone QSO made in phone band segment and CW QSO made in CW band segment are valid.. Cross-mode, cross-band QSO, as well as communication through the repeaters are not valid. Participants must comply with regional frequency plan and stay in recommended for contests band segments.


Use of non-amateur radio means of communication (for example: telephone or Internet) to facilitate the QSO is contrary to the spirit and rules of the Contest.
The call to be used in the contest: "CQ Black Sea Cup"  or “CQ BSCC”



·         Recommended Contest call  - "CQ Black Sea Cup" in phone or "CQ BS" in CW.

.:: POINTS ::.

·         QSO within same ITU-zone (including Countries of Black Sea, HQ-stations, BSCC-members) – 1 point

·         QSO with other ITU-zones within your continent – 3 points

·         QSO with ITU-zones outside your continent – 5 points

·         QSO with Black Sea Region Countries and Members of BSCC – 10 points



·         ITU Zones

·         HQ-stations

·         Black Sea Region Countries

·         BSCC-members

On each band (no difference which mode)

NOTE: HQ-stations, Black Sea Region stations (see Appendix 1) and BSCC-members cannot be additionally used for ITU zone Multiplier.


Total score of the Contest: the total number of QSO points multiplied by the total number of multipliers worked.

.:: TROPHY ::.

The Trophies will be awarded to the absolute Winners in each Entry and HQ. A certificate will be awarded to the high scoring entry in each category in each DXCC country.
Additional awards may be made at the discretion of each country’s IARU member society, amateur radio clubs and private persons.

.:: LOGS ::.

The Logs must be postmarked or emailed no later than 30 days after the end of the contest. The Paper-logs submitted after 12 days after the end of the contest will not be classified in official results. Electronic logs must be in Cabrillo file format and submitted as e-mail Appendix or on 3.5” diskette. Electronic files must use the participant’s callsign as the file name. Email entries must include the callsign used during the contest in the SUBJECT line of the email.

Paper-logs must be in chronological order (please no separation by band or mode) and contain of band, mode, date, time-UTC, callsign, numbers-send and number-receive, multipliers and points for each QSO. Multipliers should be marked in the paper log only the first time they worked on each band. Paper logs with more than 500 QSO’s must include dupes-sheets (an alpha-numeric list of all callsigns worked, broken down by band and mode.) All paper entries must include an official summary sheet or reasonable facsimile thereof with complete contest information.

.:: ADDRESS for LOGS ::.

Paper logs and entries on diskette must be mailed to:

Box 4, KERCH 98319, UKRAINE

Entries sent as attachment to email must be sent to:
E-mail: bscup@ur5eaw.com

.:: DEADLINE for LOGS ::.

30 days after the Contest (postmarked or emailed no later than on March 08, 2010)




All licensed amateurs worldwide.


.:: APPENDIX 1 ::.

List of Black Sea Countries and BSCC-prefixes used for Contest-Numbers
(the list includes countries owing Black Sea rivers)
Austria, OE
Albania, ZA
Belarus, EU
Bulgaria, LZ
Bosnia and Herzegovina, E7
Hungary, HA
Germany, DL
Georgia, 4L
Italy, I
Macedonia, Z3
Moldova, ER
Poland, SP
Russia (European part), RA
Romania, YO
Slovakia, OM
Slovenia, S5
Turkey, TA
Ukraine, UR
Croatia,  9A
Montenegro, 4O
Czech, OK
Switzerland, HB
Serbia, YU


The contester who does not obey Contest rules and/or Rules and Regulations of own country can be disqualified by Contest Committee during 90 days period after the Contest.


.:: Configuration files ::.

·  TR4W

(Download TR4W:

·  MixW

(Download MixW:



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