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Praise be to God What a wonderful joy, joy, and particularly successful
Finally, I received a Degree in
Applied Media in Informatique
I dedicate this success to my
mother and my father and all my family members .
well as the great women precious girl in my life, my soul Who has followed me throughout this trying year my L o v e SARBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Pyzam Glitter Text Maker

The time has finally arrived to present
My personal work orally.
Yesterday at 12:30
In The Higher School of Sciences and Techniques of Tunis
The subject of my thesis:
Creating a website online showcase 
With Joomla framework
You can see my project here at this address:

Image hébergée par : votre hébergeur d images simple et gratuit

Image hébergée par : votre hébergeur d images simple et gratuit __________________________________

Ce site a pour but de vous présenter le premier Paint ball a Djerba. Par la création de ces quelques pages nous avons voulu vous décrire un sport malheureusement encore non connu en Tunisie, alors qu’il a rencontré un succès sans précèdent dans le monde entier pour ses nombreuses qualités. Il developpe le fair-play, l’esprit d’equipe, la tactique, la condition physique et la maîtrise de soi meme en situation de stress, tout en respectant la faune et la flore des lieux explorés.

 Bonne visite !

Haiti - Amateur Radio on KIAH-TV    new
Amateur Radio Operators Provide
Critical Communication Line During Disasters Voluntee





The Radio Club of Tunisian Scouts 3V8ST
will be active with a special call
***** ICI  *****

from 18 January until February 14, 2010
 'Ariana Rover Scout Leader ARSL'
Organizing the event: ROVER WEEK
an activity for adults 'Rover Scout Leader' and

Students at universities in Tunis

Amateur radio workshops,
 cultural activities and conferences on
"Radio Scouting - Service for Others"


BSCC (Black Sea Contest Club)


Start : February 06 2010. 12:00 UTC
Finish : February 07 11:59 UTC

International HF Cup of Black Sea is carried out by BSCC (Black Sea Contest Club).

The aim of the competition is to make as many contacts with hams around the world as possible, especially with the radio stations from Black Sea region countries, members of BSCC, BSCC Headquarters’ station, radio clubs and the headquarters of the national amateur radio organizations - members of the IARU (HQ-stations).

read more


The Spots Originating from the DX Summit
IV3BSF 7080.0 3V10A Tnx 59++. 73.        1527 11 Dec   
OK1LX  7080.0 3V10A in qso with ok2sg    1521 11 Dec   
CT1ANO 7080.0 3V10A 59 Tnx Congratulations  1508 11 Dec   
SP9FTJ-@ 7140.0 3V10A tnx                1909 04 Dec   



celebrated on December 04, 2009 it
10 Years Anniversary in the presence of CAST members ,
honorable guests and the Minister of Religious Affairs.
 Pictures from the event are posted in CAST Photo Gallery.


Le nouveau système Hamsphere pour les O.M



i am vy happy to listen the  pile-up of 3V3S dxpedition
in 17m nice copy in ariana my QTH

Locator: JM55HU Zone CQ: 33 Zone ITU: 37

I am pleased to inform you that CAST Club Amateur-Radio des

Scout Tunisiens 
Celebrated the tenth year the focus of the first station amateur detective special.      By the way, was a special program to celebration   Begins    on November 23, 2009   And continue throughout the season Scout    2009 -2010 It receives regional club Hammam-Sousse 3V8SS using a special callsign 3V3S between November 23rd and December 2nd.
using a spiderbeam and verticals antennas Also the team of 3V3S will participate in the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 28-29th) as a Multi-Single/Low-Power entry.


Click on the call or in the name to find more info about the operators or Call

DJ7IK Andy
3V8SS Halim 
3V8SS Ashraf
3V8ST Montassar VISITOR only !!


The Radio Club Station of Tunisian Scout 3V8ST in the CAST will commemorate its 10th anniversary with an on-air event
The public is invited to attend. Members of the club and guests will be on the amateur radio bands contacting stations from all over the world
The club has come a long way in its 10 year history.
It started out with very little equipment and few members to a well equipped organization with a growing membership.
The club has had a lot of help from DARC and local government, businesses and individuals to get where it is today.
The CAST and 3V8ST members would like to express their sincere gratitude to all of those that have made it so successful in its first 10 years in existence.
“we couldn’t have come as far as we have without the assistance of a lot of people, which are too numerous to mention and we look forward to many more years to come helping the CAST and all 3V Operators ”


  For the 12th time, the Amateur Radio Club station 
of Tunisian Scouts participates in the 52nd Jamboree
on the Air and on the Internet (JOTI-JOTA) 
during October 18 and 19th  2009 . 
The participation of this year  was a special one .
     In fact, about 50 scouts leaders ,scouts boys
 and girls gathered together from all the country' 
regions in BORJ CEDRIA (Tunis) to use the call 3V8CB/J . 
     The organizing team of this event prepared
 5 stations with their antennas (Verticals and Dipoles)
and all the group was active from Friday 00.00 UTC 
to Sunday 23.30 UTC on 20 M and mainly all the work bands.
The program of the jamboree was full of useful 
activities and workshops,such as, antenna workshop,local
 visit to the central radio station 3V8ST and 
study periods about Echolink, Digital Modes,
 International Contests,Packet Radio etc..
    The participants were able to make contacts with
 scouts from all over the world to exchange 
greetings, songs , make new friendship and to introduce 
their scouts' activities. Also, they were able 
to discover new countries and new languages.
For some of them, it was the first time to hold 
the microphone and make a call on HF. But for sure 
it was unforgettable moment for them .
 Also, All of them enjoyed the special codes like
the J code and Q code as well as  
the International Alphabet.

Lastly  we say ; Good days must end 
.. JOTI-JOTA  is finished but Scouting 
will never stop, In Tunisia we are usually
 Prepared for Scouts friendship to make the 
world as peaceful as it should be  “ .




En souvenir .....

Nabil Zidane


Fishing Day 12 sep 2009 

A trip to Turkey is a country of beauty and magnificence,
10 days and not only in dreams


First Place in REF Contest 2008    update 03-04-2009
Welcome everyone
The certificate I received on the competition's ref contest 2008
And in which the central station, the club 3V8ST
On 23/02/2008
Having obtained the first position globally
After harvesting
336 QSO's
1008 Points
134 Mult
135072 score
See the results of the official website of the French REF competitions


And now a total of 4 certificates
In my Short career
  since 2004

New Diploma from
Polish Scout Radio Club ' NEW !!!!'
I was able, on 26 February 2009 to make contact with the Polish station  3Z50KPN
Polish Scout Radio Club Special Event Call
The Kampinoski National Park , (WFF: SPFF-008) marks their 50th anniversary with a special awar
And I have e-mail in the subject

this is the e-mail
Good morning Montassar !
You had a QSO with our special station worked from National Park SPFF008.
Award for your Club is enclosed. All information on and
QSL card will be sent after the 10th of May.
Be prepared and Vy 73
Polish Scout Radio Club SP5ZRW

I am very happy with the second Dibloma get him personally
After the PACC contest from the  station 3V8CB

Visit TS7C DXPedition to Kerkennah Islands


Monta with TS7C Team and tunisian radio amateurs

Me operating from TS7C

Frank F4AJQ operating RTTY

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